duminică, 23 decembrie 2012

Android Questions and Answers (Samsung Galaxy S3 and Nexus 7)

I have received the following question from one of my readers on another blog that I own:
I have a Nexus 7 and am pleased with it as a great travel companion. Indeed, until I get a ten-inch tablet which is good enough to be a laptop replacement, the Nexus 7 will accompany me on my travels, instead of my laptop.

However, it is a shame it does not support Flash, and for reasons I cannot understand, some apps that work on my mobile, a HTC Desire, cannot be installed on it; for example, iTriage.
You said in the review that "The new speech recognition engine, which also works offline once you have downloaded the language pack". I wonder what language pack you meant?

Finally, I am looking for a word processor - and only a word processor - for my Nexus 7, one that hopefully will be compatible with Word (so that I can transfer any documents created onto my PC if I want to). The Quickoffice Pro app featured on page 58 of the current issue would be an overkill for me, can you please recommend a word processor app for my Nexus 7 please? Thank you.

My answer sounds like this:
With regard to the language pack, if you don't have an internet connection when you try and use the speech recognition you will be prompted to download the offline pack. As for a word processor, we're fans of Writer, a completely stripped back writing tool, although it’s not compatible with the doc format.
Otherwise try Kingsoft Office as another free option.

Another question from another reader:
Re: Poweramp, Letters, issue 15 I also have a Samsung Galaxy S3. This is not a dangerous app, I have been using PowerAmp for well over a year now. The reason the phone shakes is the auto haptic feedback might be set to on. It can be found right at the bottom of the Sounds menu in the Settings, I thought this weird at first as I was listening via headphones with my phone in my pocket. I have now disabled this function.

My answer: Great stuff! Thanks for the tip, Ghosty. If anyone else has any app tips or advice then please do contact us via email, Facebook or Twitter. We'd love to hear from you.

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